Complete Voice Coaching - Your voice, your instrument, your body.
„Understanding the fundamental design principles of the human voice based on the coordination of the voice as a total system is the necessary foundation upon which
specifc vocal technique should be based on.“ *
Bodywork as a supplement to vocal coaching leads to a deeper understanding of the body and promotes the coordination of the complex instrument voice. Discover yoga and other body-mind practices as a holistic way to:
● Deepen body awareness
● Health prevention
● Development of an artistic identity
Breath as an important source of support. Discover different breathing techniques as a supplement to integral voice education to strengthen physical and mental health:
● Yogasana (Halsmuskulatur: Scaleni, Schultermuskulatur)
● Breath techniques: Ujjayi-Atmung, Nadi Shodhana, Bhramari
● Learn to regulate stress and emotions
Effortless voice production through the holistic use of the body as a whole. Discover the full potential of your voice and explore your authentic voice quality.
„In short, the controlled exhaltaion gives us a reeducational procedure for
preventing the holding of the breath and the shortening that interfere with the
free movement of the ribs and diaphragm, and therefore enables us to achieve
a freer fow of breath.“*
*„Your Body, Your Voice“ Theodore Dimon