"Through singing, I discovered yoga as a remarkable method to learn to focus attention on what is actually happening in the moment. My intensive study of yoga and holistic health systems such as Ayurveda brought a new dimension to my artistic development in search of an authentic voice as an artist and human being."

I discovered yoga while studying jazz singing in Graz. It helped me to become present and confident, strengthen my instrument and free my voice. Trained by Carl Faure and Calli Poppham at Stretch London and yoga icon Ana Forrest in Berlin, I playfully combine flow and grounding, with a focus on anatomy and wholeness. I incorporate the core principles of Ayurveda into my work and encourage people to try new things and accept what is. I developed three main fields of interest:

Yoga for Musicians

The issue of musicians' health is more important today than ever. The professional profile of a musician is changing rapidly and there is already a lot of pressure on students during their studies. It requires an active sensitization of the institutions, the teaching staff and the students for the importance of the body in a holistic musician education which trains strong musicians.
An evaluation of relevant methods and techniques for development is required
a holistic vocal training concept through yoga and breathing techniques and, furthermore, for the singing students and musicians interested in teaching, an integration of vocalizations into yoga practice, use of the health-promoting qualities of the voice.

Yoga & Voice

Breathing technique | voice training | body awareness

All our emotions resonate in our body.

How can we release blockages that have limited our potential for self-healing?

How can we use yoga in a therapeutic way to strengthen our own power?

Our body is our first instrument. Use the power of deep breathing to discover the healing potential of your voice. Bring movement, breath and voice into flow and discover your body as a multifaceted sound space.

Yoga & Clay

Earth | Breath | Movement

Contact with clay is a direct connection to nature, it offers a grounding approach to ourselves and our surroundings. It stimulates our haptic sensations, our potential for concentration and teaches us to let go of expectations.

Yoga & Clay stands for the appreciation of the element earth. Through relaxing breathing techniques, grounding asanas (physical exercises) and exploring the material clay with our hands, we find inner peace. An invitation to reconnect with nature and ourselves.


Do you want to get informed about upcoming classes, workshops and retreats? Reach out.